Das Gelbe Haus im Taunus: Ruhiges Wohnen während Ihres Aufenthalts im Rhein-Main-Gebiet
Das Gelbe Haus im Taunus:Ruhiges Wohnen während Ihres Aufenthalts im Rhein-Main-Gebiet

Relaxed during your business trip


One of the most important industrial centers in Germany is Frankfurt and its surrounding, often called the Rhine-Main area.  The two rivers have created a plain that is full of some of Germany's finest companies - and opera houses.  The town of Frankfurt with its famous skyline and cosy apple wine pubs attracts many visitors to its industrial fairs.  There are only few industrial centers on the world where it is so fast to commute to idyllic nature.  Frankfurt is one of them.  At only 30 minutes distance from the city centers of Frankfurt, Mainz and Wiesbaden, we are surrounded by mountains, forests and nothing else.

Hier finden Sie uns


Das Gelbe Haus

Am Weiherhaag 10

65779 Kelkheim (Taunus)


Kontakt und Reservierung

Rufen Sie uns gerne an unter


+49 6198 5866008


Oder senden Sie uns eine eMail an

kon takt (at) gelbes-haus-taunus.de


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